Hello everyone, and welcome to our ongoing project of accumulating resources and learning about the Indigenous Peoples whose land we learn, live, and play on. We would like to thank, with deep gratitude, the W̱SÁNEĆ nations: Tsartlip, Tseycum, Tsawout, Pauquachin, Malahat as well as the Songhees and Esquimalt nations for their meaningful relationships with this land and their strength and resilience which allows us a safe place to learn, live, teach, and enjoy every day.
Thank you, Hych’ka, Kleco Kleco, Gilakasla, Merci

So why the name ‘Reconciliation Clearinghouse?’ The goal of this site is to create an accumulation of Indigenous resources that have been researched as good sources to use while planning lessons and teaching in the classroom, a clearinghouse of resources if you will. We are not the creators of these resources. We simply are aiming to collect great resources for teachers in an effort to work towards reconciliation.
Please leave your comments and feedback, as this is a learning journey for our creators as well, and want to keep this space as safe and respectful as possible. Thank you!